Hi there, firstly I want to say sorry for not posting a freebie lately, the main reason is that this cold has not been very nice and I hadn't felt like doing anything much. I suspect a lot of you are feeling the same, this bug seems to be everywhere at the moment. Thanks to all who wished me well in messages it was kind of you to think of me, I really appreciate it.
Today's freebie is a little dog called Spot, if you click the above image you can download a coloured jpeg and Png image of him, plus a jpeg Digi Stamp. I am not sure why Spot is sitting like that, and as the owner of three dogs I don't really want to know, but I hope you all like him.
To say sorry for the long wait for a new freebie, this morning I did an add-on to Spot the Dog, which I called 'Dress Up'. You can download it by clicking the image below, and it is a couple of images you can use to give Spot a Christmassy feel if you so wish.
In this download you will get a nice red nose and a smart set of antlers, in jpeg and png format, plus of course both images as a jpeg Digi Stamp. You can use these images on other things as well, even your own photo's for scrapbooks and such if you so wish.
Hopefully I will get another freebie in before Christmas, but it is approaching so fast now I am not sure if it will happen. If not, I wish all my readers a REALLY HAPPY CHRISTMAS, but as I said, hopefully there will be another post before the 25th.
Take care of each other,