Hi all... hope you all had a great weekend. I have just started making my Christmas Cards for this year, to be honest I wasn't looking forward to it as I have been in a bright and cheerful colouring mood, using an awful lot of Funky Hand papers to make my cards recently, and for some reason I thought my Christmas Cards had to be more subdued. Well, I got over that this weekend... I made six cards in total, all in fab and funky colours, not traditional... Pinks and Purples, Oranges and Browns, using lots of Dustin Pike Christmas Digi Stamps. I had such fun, and am still doing so... trouble is... I should really be making Thank You cards for the people who bought such wonderful presents for my birthday... I have two finished!!! There is just not enough time in a weekend to do all my crafting... good job it's a Bank Holiday here, so I have an extra day... Yay!!!!
Anyway I shall stop babbling now and write about my new Critter Loopy. Loopy comes to you as a coloured image in both jpeg and png format, and of course a black and white jpeg Digi Stamp. I like Loopy, he looks cool... especially with that strange hair type fuss on top of his head, I hope you like him - (he looks like a him to me) - as well.
Happy Crafting...
Its A WOYWW!? Wednesday On A Thursday#820
2 days ago
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