Thursday, 28 July 2011

Freaky Critters Part 5 Freebie

Well more than half way through this fine set of Freaky Freebie Images, and what have I for you today?  It's none other than a Freaky Dog, all drooling, and eye balling you, my advice is to not look away.  Just back away slowly, and click on the image above when he least expects it !!!!

You will then, after a few seconds, possibly minutes, become the proud owner of your very own Freaky Dog, both coloured and Dig Stamp versions.  Both in jpg and png formats, for you to do nearly whatever you want with... lol

Some might say this was modelled after our dog Welly, but I want to assure you, this is completely drawn from my imagination... so you can make of that what you will. 

Enjoy, hugs Janie xxx


  1. lol...these just keep getting cuter and cuter..thank you so much for sharing

  2. Another great digi, Janie, but I'm not coming near him until he is on a lead!!! LOL

    Love Joan xx

  3. I just I don't run into this freaky dog anywhere but a cute card. Thank you!

  4. Now this is a dog I could love. He looks more like he just wants to slobber over someone! Thank you, Janie.
